I'm very thankful to God for the two new brothers that I have at work! They are such a blessing to have in the office - well, so far anyway! =P
Went to the last Tues lunch time talk with one of them last week, although I haven't really got a chance to talk to him again since then! =( Hopefully I'd be able to chat a bit more with him tomorrow! =)
Anyway, today, I went with the other one to the two Christian bookstores nearby and then had lunch with him. And honestly, I was greatly encouraged by what I learnt about him today!
I mean, it has been good to have both brothers at work. They are very enthusiastic about their work! Well, not enthusiastic in the way that they probably would describe it. But 'enthusiastic' in the sense that they are still willing to do almost anything that's required of them. They start early! They work really hard and don't take break that often (although I don't think this is actually a good thing for their health! and I do think they need to take more shorter breaks for their own good!). And yeah, you can just really see that they are still working for God!
Not saying that we - the 'older' workers don't work for God. Well, it's kind of hard to forget that you are working for God and His people when you work in our office and when each day is started with a prayer meeting! =) And I know it's just normal for older workers to feel... I don't know, not as enthusiastic about doing whatever God has given you to do for that day?! At least I do feel that way at times... I even have started complaining recently! (something that I need to repent of, I know!)
So it has been great to just have the two of them in the office and just observing, learning and being challenged by what they do. =)
But yeah, I'm very thankful to God for the chance to get to know one of them a bit better today - thankful especially for the encouragements that he was to me today.
He led in prayer straight away - when saying grace for the meal - no hesitation whatsoever - and no awkwardness! (I know it could just be a cultural thing...)
And what he prayed for! Honestly, I was quite amazed that he was able to see the good out of the situation - and be able to thank God for that!
And then he challenged me to obey the authorities and obey God to the max! - by observing traffic lights and not crossing when the pedestrian light's red! =) And as much as I don't really like 'wasting time' waiting for the lights to change, I respected and commended his desire and his determination to follow the rule out of obeying God! =) (I have now decided to give myself a lot more time when I go to places, so I have time to wait at traffic lights and use the "waiting time" to pray! =) Need to see how long I can actually do this though. Although after his reasoning today, it's hard not to do "the right thing" now! - at least when I'm in Sydney! =))
And when I asked him what I could be praying for him (and his friends) while they are travelling - (again) he gave me an unexpected answer! (I know, now it does sound as if I had a low opinion on him before today... =P I didn't... I just don't usually think much of people - and have decided to be surprised by good answers than expecting good things out of people! =))
Well, he did give me another 'normal' / reasonable prayer point - but his first prayer point was a very encouraging one to hear! =) (unexpected because I know he didn't expect me to ask him that question, too!)
Anyway, as I said, I'm very thankful to God for all the encouragement He's given me today! Including the ones from one of the 'new' brothers at work! =)
Be praying that they both will continue to grow in their knowledge and love for God, and so in their Christ-likeness, and that they will continue to consider it a privilege to be given a chance to serve God and His people, partly through what they are doing in the office! =) And also that He will help them to keep working faithfully always - as for Him, and not for man... =)
Friday, 28 December 2007
Christmas present for self =P

Anyway, after visiting Taronga Zoo every so often and being reminded about the real dangers that these big cats are in... after installing and displaying the Endangered Species box in my facebook profile for a while... and after visiting the Wildlife Photography Exhibition at the Australian Museum on Wednesday... I finally decided to make two symbolic adoptions - of Amur Leopard and Grizzly Bear - through WWF website.
It's called symbolic adoptions, because:
World Wildlife Fund helps endangered animals by working on immediate threats to animal conservation and saving the environment in which the animals live. WWF does not single out individual animals, or families, for adoption. Your donation is directed to field programs to support science, research, and animal study. The adoption is symbolic in the sense that many animals benefit from your generous support.And so now, I can really display the Endangered Species box on my facebook profile without any conscience issue! =P
I know some people might think why support conservation efforts like this instead of supporting gospel works around the world etc. And I have actually spent some time thinking about this... I might post an entry about it a bit later in my other blog though - since it might be a more worthwhile post to be shared with a wider audience. =P
P.S.: I know that since it is symbolic adoption, it doesn't actually made much difference which animals I chose. But I decided to adopt Grizzly Bear because it's one of my favourite animals - SO cute! And Amur Leopard to help raise awareness of their plight - as even though their status is actually critically endangered, they are not as popular or well known by the wider public as snow leopards.
Monday, 24 December 2007
Mulling on Christmas Eve
Couldn't bring myself to go to Eastgardens this afternoon, so went back home after I went to send some stuff to the Post Office.
Somehow, I find that there are just so many things I need to do this Christmas - rushing from one thing to another.
I have had a quiet-er morning today - to just spend some quality time alone with God... (well, not alone alone, as I did bring a few people into my conversation with Him)
But yeah, I just couldn't bring myself to go to the shopping mall...
I know it could just be a personal preference/thought, but I do find the whole 'celebration' thing a bit distracting at times... And I think, sometimes, even as Christians, it is easy for us to forget to be different to the world around us during this Christmas time...
I mean, why buy an extra Christmas present that would go to waste? Just because it is Christmas, it does not mean that you have to buy things you don't really need...
Some people have to go without this Christmas! Many people can't afford getting even one gift for their loved ones! Why be wasteful?
I asked my dear friends to please get me something from Anglicare if they were thinking to get something for my bday. And I am very thankful when they did! Because really, what do I lack? Sure I don't have everything this world can offer, but I have something this world can't offer! I have Christ(!), and I do have food and shelter, and enough clothes... and even more!
When my brothers and sisters in Christ asked me what my wish was for my bday, I told them I wish for Rev 7 and Rev 21. And it was a real wish!
Because, how can we grow in our understanding and knowledge of what it would mean to finally be there - to be with Christ - to see Him face to face(!)... and not long for heaven?
How can we know better of that world to come, while having to live in the mess that this world is in(!) - and not long for heaven?!
I can't...
And yet I know that there are still some of my loved ones who are still part of that mess who would be cleaned up on that judgement day!
And that's why, I'm torn every day...
I do want the new world to come. I do want to see everything set right - no more pain, no more sorrow, no more death, no more sickness, no more poverty, no more injustice, no more tears, no more death, no more sin....
And yet I also do want (and ask for His mercy for) my loved ones to be reconciled to God before then...
But then - shouldn't I long more for Christ to be glorified, and for sin to be dealt away with than for anything else??? I probably should... and yet at the same time, live in thankfulness for His patience and so keep doing my bit while I'm waiting (with my brothers and sisters in Christ) for our Bridegroom to come! =)
Somehow, I find that there are just so many things I need to do this Christmas - rushing from one thing to another.
I have had a quiet-er morning today - to just spend some quality time alone with God... (well, not alone alone, as I did bring a few people into my conversation with Him)
But yeah, I just couldn't bring myself to go to the shopping mall...
I know it could just be a personal preference/thought, but I do find the whole 'celebration' thing a bit distracting at times... And I think, sometimes, even as Christians, it is easy for us to forget to be different to the world around us during this Christmas time...
I mean, why buy an extra Christmas present that would go to waste? Just because it is Christmas, it does not mean that you have to buy things you don't really need...
Some people have to go without this Christmas! Many people can't afford getting even one gift for their loved ones! Why be wasteful?
I asked my dear friends to please get me something from Anglicare if they were thinking to get something for my bday. And I am very thankful when they did! Because really, what do I lack? Sure I don't have everything this world can offer, but I have something this world can't offer! I have Christ(!), and I do have food and shelter, and enough clothes... and even more!
When my brothers and sisters in Christ asked me what my wish was for my bday, I told them I wish for Rev 7 and Rev 21. And it was a real wish!
Because, how can we grow in our understanding and knowledge of what it would mean to finally be there - to be with Christ - to see Him face to face(!)... and not long for heaven?
How can we know better of that world to come, while having to live in the mess that this world is in(!) - and not long for heaven?!
I can't...
And yet I know that there are still some of my loved ones who are still part of that mess who would be cleaned up on that judgement day!
And that's why, I'm torn every day...
I do want the new world to come. I do want to see everything set right - no more pain, no more sorrow, no more death, no more sickness, no more poverty, no more injustice, no more tears, no more death, no more sin....
And yet I also do want (and ask for His mercy for) my loved ones to be reconciled to God before then...
But then - shouldn't I long more for Christ to be glorified, and for sin to be dealt away with than for anything else??? I probably should... and yet at the same time, live in thankfulness for His patience and so keep doing my bit while I'm waiting (with my brothers and sisters in Christ) for our Bridegroom to come! =)
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Gua cape banget sih hari ini, so agak mati rasa at the moment... Which is probably kenapa gua belom nangis kayanya =)
Tapi beneran terharu banget!
Someone rang me at 8! I missed his call, but that was very nice of him! =)
And then another person rang me when I was on my way to work - missed her first call!
Of course my siblings and parents have said happy bday or sent me bday greetings in the morning! =)
And then Pak Samuel ama Bu Esther ngirim SMS! Gila, beneran unexpected banget!!! Bener2 terharu banget gua!
Terus di tempat kerja, gua sekarang ada dua anak baru yang udah gua angkat ade, hehe! =) And yeah, both wrote interesting and encouraging things on my bday card. Terus orang laen juga bae2 gitu ke gua.
And then, banyak banget juga yang sms, dari Indo juga!
Mama n Papa nge-fax something juga! And ade2 asli gua nulis something yang bener2 encouraging! =)
Wah, beneran terharu deh...
Sedih sih, soalnya tadi said goodbye ama one of a very good workmates of mine... That's why it's good that I get along well with the two new guys! Will still have two more new workmates. Not sure how well I will get along with them. But yeah, the brothers have been great to have around the office! =)
Anyway, a day full of mixed emotions...
Tapi beneran terharu banget!
Someone rang me at 8! I missed his call, but that was very nice of him! =)
And then another person rang me when I was on my way to work - missed her first call!
Of course my siblings and parents have said happy bday or sent me bday greetings in the morning! =)
And then Pak Samuel ama Bu Esther ngirim SMS! Gila, beneran unexpected banget!!! Bener2 terharu banget gua!
Terus di tempat kerja, gua sekarang ada dua anak baru yang udah gua angkat ade, hehe! =) And yeah, both wrote interesting and encouraging things on my bday card. Terus orang laen juga bae2 gitu ke gua.
And then, banyak banget juga yang sms, dari Indo juga!
Mama n Papa nge-fax something juga! And ade2 asli gua nulis something yang bener2 encouraging! =)
Wah, beneran terharu deh...
Sedih sih, soalnya tadi said goodbye ama one of a very good workmates of mine... That's why it's good that I get along well with the two new guys! Will still have two more new workmates. Not sure how well I will get along with them. But yeah, the brothers have been great to have around the office! =)
Anyway, a day full of mixed emotions...
Sunday, 16 December 2007
I have come to a new realisation that I can switch between English and Indonesian in my mind very quickly nowadays and that I do use the two languages interchangeably when I talk to my Indo friends! =(
Annoying because sometimes I myself don't even understand the message that I wrote to someone in those mixed languages! =(
Annoying because sometimes I myself don't even understand the message that I wrote to someone in those mixed languages! =(
Saturday, 8 December 2007
Highlight of the Day
Choosing the right spot at Taronga Zoo Free Bird Flight Show so I had Billy the Brolga and Boo the Barking Owl at Taronga flying right above my head and then having a close up look at Angus, the rare Rufous Owl!
It was an especially nice surprise with Billy, since they changed the way they did the Bird Show and so he actually flew down towards the stage without being introduced first - which is a really nice surprise for me! =)
And I actually sat only a seat away from the girl who got a chance to hold Boo the Barking Owl! And so it was a really nice close up look at him! =)
And Angus' flight was another surprise, just because I didn't expect him to fly that close to the top of my head! =)
I had a REALLY great time at the Bird Show today!!! =)
It was an especially nice surprise with Billy, since they changed the way they did the Bird Show and so he actually flew down towards the stage without being introduced first - which is a really nice surprise for me! =)
And I actually sat only a seat away from the girl who got a chance to hold Boo the Barking Owl! And so it was a really nice close up look at him! =)
And Angus' flight was another surprise, just because I didn't expect him to fly that close to the top of my head! =)
I had a REALLY great time at the Bird Show today!!! =)
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