I'm very thankful to God for the two new brothers that I have at work! They are such a blessing to have in the office - well, so far anyway! =P
Went to the last Tues lunch time talk with one of them last week, although I haven't really got a chance to talk to him again since then! =( Hopefully I'd be able to chat a bit more with him tomorrow! =)
Anyway, today, I went with the other one to the two Christian bookstores nearby and then had lunch with him. And honestly, I was greatly encouraged by what I learnt about him today!
I mean, it has been good to have both brothers at work. They are very enthusiastic about their work! Well, not enthusiastic in the way that they probably would describe it. But 'enthusiastic' in the sense that they are still willing to do almost anything that's required of them. They start early! They work really hard and don't take break that often (although I don't think this is actually a good thing for their health! and I do think they need to take more shorter breaks for their own good!). And yeah, you can just really see that they are still working for God!
Not saying that we - the 'older' workers don't work for God. Well, it's kind of hard to forget that you are working for God and His people when you work in our office and when each day is started with a prayer meeting! =) And I know it's just normal for older workers to feel... I don't know, not as enthusiastic about doing whatever God has given you to do for that day?! At least I do feel that way at times... I even have started complaining recently! (something that I need to repent of, I know!)
So it has been great to just have the two of them in the office and just observing, learning and being challenged by what they do. =)
But yeah, I'm very thankful to God for the chance to get to know one of them a bit better today - thankful especially for the encouragements that he was to me today.
He led in prayer straight away - when saying grace for the meal - no hesitation whatsoever - and no awkwardness! (I know it could just be a cultural thing...)
And what he prayed for! Honestly, I was quite amazed that he was able to see the good out of the situation - and be able to thank God for that!
And then he challenged me to obey the authorities and obey God to the max! - by observing traffic lights and not crossing when the pedestrian light's red! =) And as much as I don't really like 'wasting time' waiting for the lights to change, I respected and commended his desire and his determination to follow the rule out of obeying God! =) (I have now decided to give myself a lot more time when I go to places, so I have time to wait at traffic lights and use the "waiting time" to pray! =) Need to see how long I can actually do this though. Although after his reasoning today, it's hard not to do "the right thing" now! - at least when I'm in Sydney! =))
And when I asked him what I could be praying for him (and his friends) while they are travelling - (again) he gave me an unexpected answer! (I know, now it does sound as if I had a low opinion on him before today... =P I didn't... I just don't usually think much of people - and have decided to be surprised by good answers than expecting good things out of people! =))
Well, he did give me another 'normal' / reasonable prayer point - but his first prayer point was a very encouraging one to hear! =) (unexpected because I know he didn't expect me to ask him that question, too!)
Anyway, as I said, I'm very thankful to God for all the encouragement He's given me today! Including the ones from one of the 'new' brothers at work! =)
Be praying that they both will continue to grow in their knowledge and love for God, and so in their Christ-likeness, and that they will continue to consider it a privilege to be given a chance to serve God and His people, partly through what they are doing in the office! =) And also that He will help them to keep working faithfully always - as for Him, and not for man... =)
Friday, 28 December 2007
Christmas present for self =P

Anyway, after visiting Taronga Zoo every so often and being reminded about the real dangers that these big cats are in... after installing and displaying the Endangered Species box in my facebook profile for a while... and after visiting the Wildlife Photography Exhibition at the Australian Museum on Wednesday... I finally decided to make two symbolic adoptions - of Amur Leopard and Grizzly Bear - through WWF website.
It's called symbolic adoptions, because:
World Wildlife Fund helps endangered animals by working on immediate threats to animal conservation and saving the environment in which the animals live. WWF does not single out individual animals, or families, for adoption. Your donation is directed to field programs to support science, research, and animal study. The adoption is symbolic in the sense that many animals benefit from your generous support.And so now, I can really display the Endangered Species box on my facebook profile without any conscience issue! =P
I know some people might think why support conservation efforts like this instead of supporting gospel works around the world etc. And I have actually spent some time thinking about this... I might post an entry about it a bit later in my other blog though - since it might be a more worthwhile post to be shared with a wider audience. =P
P.S.: I know that since it is symbolic adoption, it doesn't actually made much difference which animals I chose. But I decided to adopt Grizzly Bear because it's one of my favourite animals - SO cute! And Amur Leopard to help raise awareness of their plight - as even though their status is actually critically endangered, they are not as popular or well known by the wider public as snow leopards.
Monday, 24 December 2007
Mulling on Christmas Eve
Couldn't bring myself to go to Eastgardens this afternoon, so went back home after I went to send some stuff to the Post Office.
Somehow, I find that there are just so many things I need to do this Christmas - rushing from one thing to another.
I have had a quiet-er morning today - to just spend some quality time alone with God... (well, not alone alone, as I did bring a few people into my conversation with Him)
But yeah, I just couldn't bring myself to go to the shopping mall...
I know it could just be a personal preference/thought, but I do find the whole 'celebration' thing a bit distracting at times... And I think, sometimes, even as Christians, it is easy for us to forget to be different to the world around us during this Christmas time...
I mean, why buy an extra Christmas present that would go to waste? Just because it is Christmas, it does not mean that you have to buy things you don't really need...
Some people have to go without this Christmas! Many people can't afford getting even one gift for their loved ones! Why be wasteful?
I asked my dear friends to please get me something from Anglicare if they were thinking to get something for my bday. And I am very thankful when they did! Because really, what do I lack? Sure I don't have everything this world can offer, but I have something this world can't offer! I have Christ(!), and I do have food and shelter, and enough clothes... and even more!
When my brothers and sisters in Christ asked me what my wish was for my bday, I told them I wish for Rev 7 and Rev 21. And it was a real wish!
Because, how can we grow in our understanding and knowledge of what it would mean to finally be there - to be with Christ - to see Him face to face(!)... and not long for heaven?
How can we know better of that world to come, while having to live in the mess that this world is in(!) - and not long for heaven?!
I can't...
And yet I know that there are still some of my loved ones who are still part of that mess who would be cleaned up on that judgement day!
And that's why, I'm torn every day...
I do want the new world to come. I do want to see everything set right - no more pain, no more sorrow, no more death, no more sickness, no more poverty, no more injustice, no more tears, no more death, no more sin....
And yet I also do want (and ask for His mercy for) my loved ones to be reconciled to God before then...
But then - shouldn't I long more for Christ to be glorified, and for sin to be dealt away with than for anything else??? I probably should... and yet at the same time, live in thankfulness for His patience and so keep doing my bit while I'm waiting (with my brothers and sisters in Christ) for our Bridegroom to come! =)
Somehow, I find that there are just so many things I need to do this Christmas - rushing from one thing to another.
I have had a quiet-er morning today - to just spend some quality time alone with God... (well, not alone alone, as I did bring a few people into my conversation with Him)
But yeah, I just couldn't bring myself to go to the shopping mall...
I know it could just be a personal preference/thought, but I do find the whole 'celebration' thing a bit distracting at times... And I think, sometimes, even as Christians, it is easy for us to forget to be different to the world around us during this Christmas time...
I mean, why buy an extra Christmas present that would go to waste? Just because it is Christmas, it does not mean that you have to buy things you don't really need...
Some people have to go without this Christmas! Many people can't afford getting even one gift for their loved ones! Why be wasteful?
I asked my dear friends to please get me something from Anglicare if they were thinking to get something for my bday. And I am very thankful when they did! Because really, what do I lack? Sure I don't have everything this world can offer, but I have something this world can't offer! I have Christ(!), and I do have food and shelter, and enough clothes... and even more!
When my brothers and sisters in Christ asked me what my wish was for my bday, I told them I wish for Rev 7 and Rev 21. And it was a real wish!
Because, how can we grow in our understanding and knowledge of what it would mean to finally be there - to be with Christ - to see Him face to face(!)... and not long for heaven?
How can we know better of that world to come, while having to live in the mess that this world is in(!) - and not long for heaven?!
I can't...
And yet I know that there are still some of my loved ones who are still part of that mess who would be cleaned up on that judgement day!
And that's why, I'm torn every day...
I do want the new world to come. I do want to see everything set right - no more pain, no more sorrow, no more death, no more sickness, no more poverty, no more injustice, no more tears, no more death, no more sin....
And yet I also do want (and ask for His mercy for) my loved ones to be reconciled to God before then...
But then - shouldn't I long more for Christ to be glorified, and for sin to be dealt away with than for anything else??? I probably should... and yet at the same time, live in thankfulness for His patience and so keep doing my bit while I'm waiting (with my brothers and sisters in Christ) for our Bridegroom to come! =)
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Gua cape banget sih hari ini, so agak mati rasa at the moment... Which is probably kenapa gua belom nangis kayanya =)
Tapi beneran terharu banget!
Someone rang me at 8! I missed his call, but that was very nice of him! =)
And then another person rang me when I was on my way to work - missed her first call!
Of course my siblings and parents have said happy bday or sent me bday greetings in the morning! =)
And then Pak Samuel ama Bu Esther ngirim SMS! Gila, beneran unexpected banget!!! Bener2 terharu banget gua!
Terus di tempat kerja, gua sekarang ada dua anak baru yang udah gua angkat ade, hehe! =) And yeah, both wrote interesting and encouraging things on my bday card. Terus orang laen juga bae2 gitu ke gua.
And then, banyak banget juga yang sms, dari Indo juga!
Mama n Papa nge-fax something juga! And ade2 asli gua nulis something yang bener2 encouraging! =)
Wah, beneran terharu deh...
Sedih sih, soalnya tadi said goodbye ama one of a very good workmates of mine... That's why it's good that I get along well with the two new guys! Will still have two more new workmates. Not sure how well I will get along with them. But yeah, the brothers have been great to have around the office! =)
Anyway, a day full of mixed emotions...
Tapi beneran terharu banget!
Someone rang me at 8! I missed his call, but that was very nice of him! =)
And then another person rang me when I was on my way to work - missed her first call!
Of course my siblings and parents have said happy bday or sent me bday greetings in the morning! =)
And then Pak Samuel ama Bu Esther ngirim SMS! Gila, beneran unexpected banget!!! Bener2 terharu banget gua!
Terus di tempat kerja, gua sekarang ada dua anak baru yang udah gua angkat ade, hehe! =) And yeah, both wrote interesting and encouraging things on my bday card. Terus orang laen juga bae2 gitu ke gua.
And then, banyak banget juga yang sms, dari Indo juga!
Mama n Papa nge-fax something juga! And ade2 asli gua nulis something yang bener2 encouraging! =)
Wah, beneran terharu deh...
Sedih sih, soalnya tadi said goodbye ama one of a very good workmates of mine... That's why it's good that I get along well with the two new guys! Will still have two more new workmates. Not sure how well I will get along with them. But yeah, the brothers have been great to have around the office! =)
Anyway, a day full of mixed emotions...
Sunday, 16 December 2007
I have come to a new realisation that I can switch between English and Indonesian in my mind very quickly nowadays and that I do use the two languages interchangeably when I talk to my Indo friends! =(
Annoying because sometimes I myself don't even understand the message that I wrote to someone in those mixed languages! =(
Annoying because sometimes I myself don't even understand the message that I wrote to someone in those mixed languages! =(
Saturday, 8 December 2007
Highlight of the Day
Choosing the right spot at Taronga Zoo Free Bird Flight Show so I had Billy the Brolga and Boo the Barking Owl at Taronga flying right above my head and then having a close up look at Angus, the rare Rufous Owl!
It was an especially nice surprise with Billy, since they changed the way they did the Bird Show and so he actually flew down towards the stage without being introduced first - which is a really nice surprise for me! =)
And I actually sat only a seat away from the girl who got a chance to hold Boo the Barking Owl! And so it was a really nice close up look at him! =)
And Angus' flight was another surprise, just because I didn't expect him to fly that close to the top of my head! =)
I had a REALLY great time at the Bird Show today!!! =)
It was an especially nice surprise with Billy, since they changed the way they did the Bird Show and so he actually flew down towards the stage without being introduced first - which is a really nice surprise for me! =)
And I actually sat only a seat away from the girl who got a chance to hold Boo the Barking Owl! And so it was a really nice close up look at him! =)
And Angus' flight was another surprise, just because I didn't expect him to fly that close to the top of my head! =)
I had a REALLY great time at the Bird Show today!!! =)
Friday, 30 November 2007
Fifty-year master plan...
"Think beyond your lifetime, if you want to do something truly great. Make a fifty-year master plan. A fifty-year master plan will change how you look at the opportunities in the present"
~ Walt Disney ~
Monday, 26 November 2007
Another link to the past...
Gua tuh pertama signed up buat facebook gara2 pengen nyari temen2 high school gua. Makanya, lumayan disappointed sih, waktu gua found out kalo ternyata gua ngga bisa nemuin satu juga anak Aloy angkatan gua yang di fb! Well, at least ngga ada yang gua kenal... =(
Biarpun gua dulu anak "bae2" sih, and that's probably why gua ngga terlalu kenal banyak orang. =P
Anyway, hari ini, lewat someone, gua nemuin grup Aloy! =) And then, lewat group itu, nemuin someone yang ternyata anak angkatan gua dulunya! =) Temen sekelas lagi! - well, setaon doang sih sekelasnya, tapi tetep aja temen sekelas! =)
Tapi, menurut dia sih, kayanya ngga banyak lagi deh anak Aloy laen (angkatan kita) yang di fb. Mungkin karena most of them dah married and have kids katanya. So, ngga pada ada waktu maen fb kayanya... =(
Well, at least gua dapet satu temen bekas high school hari ini! =) Siapa tau ntar2 ada yang join fb lagi, and join grup Aloy... and gua bisa 'ketemu' mereka lewat group itu! =)
Anyway, lumayan interesting sih, catching up ama someone from the past! =) Someone yang "ngomong Sunda"-nya lebih kentel dari gua juga! =P
Biarpun gua dulu anak "bae2" sih, and that's probably why gua ngga terlalu kenal banyak orang. =P
Anyway, hari ini, lewat someone, gua nemuin grup Aloy! =) And then, lewat group itu, nemuin someone yang ternyata anak angkatan gua dulunya! =) Temen sekelas lagi! - well, setaon doang sih sekelasnya, tapi tetep aja temen sekelas! =)
Tapi, menurut dia sih, kayanya ngga banyak lagi deh anak Aloy laen (angkatan kita) yang di fb. Mungkin karena most of them dah married and have kids katanya. So, ngga pada ada waktu maen fb kayanya... =(
Well, at least gua dapet satu temen bekas high school hari ini! =) Siapa tau ntar2 ada yang join fb lagi, and join grup Aloy... and gua bisa 'ketemu' mereka lewat group itu! =)
Anyway, lumayan interesting sih, catching up ama someone from the past! =) Someone yang "ngomong Sunda"-nya lebih kentel dari gua juga! =P
Friday, 23 November 2007
Lagi mikir-mikir aja, iseng...
Menurut gua, interesting sih, gimana kita tuh ngamatin orang laen and belajar dari mereka.
Kadang, ada orang-orang yang kita amatin ato pelajarin ato kita kenal lebih deket and kita decide buat niru sifat ato sikap mereka yang kaya gini ato kaya gitu... Pengen lebih kaya mereka gitu.
Kadang, ada juga orang-orang yang kita amatin, ato pelajari, ato kenal lebih deket, and conclusion kita tuh lebih - ok, I need to make sure gua ngga kaya dia kalo gua in the same situation nih....
Anyway, gua cuma mikir, interesting aja sih, how we learn from people... and how what we learn about people sometimes helps us reflect on the things that we are doing juga...
At the moment... gua lagi pengen banget makin lebih mirip seseorang. Makin gua find out tentang dia, makin gua pengen mirip dia! =) Gua bukan lagi ngomongin soal Yesus sih, hehe. Well, Yesus sih udah pasti lah! =) Maksudnya, udah pasti lah gua pengen and selalu aim buat rubah biar makin mirip ama Yesus tiap hari. Tapi gua bukan lagi ngomongin Yesus. Gua lagi ngomongin someone else. =P
So yeah, gua tuh lagi pengen ngerubah diri gua sendiri - pengen makin mirip ama dia gitu loh. =)
Tapi, at the same time, at the moment, gua juga lagi mikir sih, soal orang-orang laen di sekitar gua... ada orang-orang yang kadang, abis gua ngamatin sikap or sifat mereka in dealing with things ato relate ke orang tuh, gua bakalan ngingetin gua sendiri - "make sure gua ngga kaya mereka!", that's not a good thing to do, gitu loh, soalnya kalo elu gini ato gitu, orang laen tuh bakalan respond in a certain way and that's not helpful - so, gua mesti aim ngga ngikutin contoh mereka, gitu...
I know sih, kadang mereka ngga sadar... Makanya, gua suka pengen mastiin aja gua aware of those things dulu, jadi gua kalo pas ngelakuin something like that tuh gua bakalan sadar kalo itu tuh ngga helpful and not something good to do, gitu loh...
And mesti mastiin kalo gua juga ngga ngelakuin something equally unhelpful at the moment sih - maksudnya, biarpun "the unhelpful" thing yang gua do mungkin bukan the exact same thing, tapi, tetep lah, mesti keluarin balok dari mata gua dulu baru bisa ngeluarin 'selumbar' dari mata orang laen... =)
Anyway, mungkin gua lagi in a reflective mood aja sih =)
Menurut gua, interesting sih, gimana kita tuh ngamatin orang laen and belajar dari mereka.
Kadang, ada orang-orang yang kita amatin ato pelajarin ato kita kenal lebih deket and kita decide buat niru sifat ato sikap mereka yang kaya gini ato kaya gitu... Pengen lebih kaya mereka gitu.
Kadang, ada juga orang-orang yang kita amatin, ato pelajari, ato kenal lebih deket, and conclusion kita tuh lebih - ok, I need to make sure gua ngga kaya dia kalo gua in the same situation nih....
Anyway, gua cuma mikir, interesting aja sih, how we learn from people... and how what we learn about people sometimes helps us reflect on the things that we are doing juga...
At the moment... gua lagi pengen banget makin lebih mirip seseorang. Makin gua find out tentang dia, makin gua pengen mirip dia! =) Gua bukan lagi ngomongin soal Yesus sih, hehe. Well, Yesus sih udah pasti lah! =) Maksudnya, udah pasti lah gua pengen and selalu aim buat rubah biar makin mirip ama Yesus tiap hari. Tapi gua bukan lagi ngomongin Yesus. Gua lagi ngomongin someone else. =P
So yeah, gua tuh lagi pengen ngerubah diri gua sendiri - pengen makin mirip ama dia gitu loh. =)
Tapi, at the same time, at the moment, gua juga lagi mikir sih, soal orang-orang laen di sekitar gua... ada orang-orang yang kadang, abis gua ngamatin sikap or sifat mereka in dealing with things ato relate ke orang tuh, gua bakalan ngingetin gua sendiri - "make sure gua ngga kaya mereka!", that's not a good thing to do, gitu loh, soalnya kalo elu gini ato gitu, orang laen tuh bakalan respond in a certain way and that's not helpful - so, gua mesti aim ngga ngikutin contoh mereka, gitu...
I know sih, kadang mereka ngga sadar... Makanya, gua suka pengen mastiin aja gua aware of those things dulu, jadi gua kalo pas ngelakuin something like that tuh gua bakalan sadar kalo itu tuh ngga helpful and not something good to do, gitu loh...
And mesti mastiin kalo gua juga ngga ngelakuin something equally unhelpful at the moment sih - maksudnya, biarpun "the unhelpful" thing yang gua do mungkin bukan the exact same thing, tapi, tetep lah, mesti keluarin balok dari mata gua dulu baru bisa ngeluarin 'selumbar' dari mata orang laen... =)
Anyway, mungkin gua lagi in a reflective mood aja sih =)
Monday, 19 November 2007
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Time to let go...
It was not easy to let go of the lost dog without doing more to help it. It was even more of a challenge for me since I do love dogs and have a few back home, and know how it feels to lose a dog... =(
And yet I was late for the meeting already. And I did check and it didn't have any identification tag on it... I knew it would be quite challenging and much effort would have been required should I insist on helping the poor dog finds its owner...
And so I decided to do the unthinkable... and trusted the dog to God - trusting that God does care for His creation, and that even without my help, He can look after the dog and return it to its owner should He will... After all, God is in control of things... and He can act and will bring about His purposes with or without my help...
I think similar to coming across that lost dog, sometimes in life, we come across people who are in difficult or tricky situations. Sometimes, they are aware of their situations, sometimes they are unaware that they are in a mess, or are creating a mess(!)...
And just like my situation this morning, there are times when we are just unable to help them for one or other reasons... Sometimes, warnings were given and yet unheeded, and it's no longer in our place to say things anymore... Sometimes, they just need to be given a chance to make mistakes and to learn from their mistakes...
And I've found that it requires great trust in God to do that! That it is very challenging and require so much trust in God's loving sovereignty, to be able to let go of people and their situations - into God's hands...
Part of it, is just us being humans, I guess... caring for others and wanting to snatch people out of danger... But another part of it, is also us being humans! Sinful human beings that is - ones who want to be little saviours (both of ourselves and in this case, others)! Somehow, we have this inbuilt conviction that we can set things right and that we just have to do something or else things won't happen!
But we forget that God can do without us!
It is a privilege to be part of His work. It is something that is good and right - given the right time and context.
And yet, I think there are also times, when we need to let go of people and their situations... times to remember that God is the One who is in control... and not just the One in control, but also the One who can be trusted in His loving sovereignty, in His steadfast love - to His creation, and especially to His people...
And yet I was late for the meeting already. And I did check and it didn't have any identification tag on it... I knew it would be quite challenging and much effort would have been required should I insist on helping the poor dog finds its owner...
And so I decided to do the unthinkable... and trusted the dog to God - trusting that God does care for His creation, and that even without my help, He can look after the dog and return it to its owner should He will... After all, God is in control of things... and He can act and will bring about His purposes with or without my help...
I think similar to coming across that lost dog, sometimes in life, we come across people who are in difficult or tricky situations. Sometimes, they are aware of their situations, sometimes they are unaware that they are in a mess, or are creating a mess(!)...
And just like my situation this morning, there are times when we are just unable to help them for one or other reasons... Sometimes, warnings were given and yet unheeded, and it's no longer in our place to say things anymore... Sometimes, they just need to be given a chance to make mistakes and to learn from their mistakes...
And I've found that it requires great trust in God to do that! That it is very challenging and require so much trust in God's loving sovereignty, to be able to let go of people and their situations - into God's hands...
Part of it, is just us being humans, I guess... caring for others and wanting to snatch people out of danger... But another part of it, is also us being humans! Sinful human beings that is - ones who want to be little saviours (both of ourselves and in this case, others)! Somehow, we have this inbuilt conviction that we can set things right and that we just have to do something or else things won't happen!
But we forget that God can do without us!
It is a privilege to be part of His work. It is something that is good and right - given the right time and context.
And yet, I think there are also times, when we need to let go of people and their situations... times to remember that God is the One who is in control... and not just the One in control, but also the One who can be trusted in His loving sovereignty, in His steadfast love - to His creation, and especially to His people...
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Before I turn 30...
Do you know how people have "plans"/"wishes" of what they would like to happen before they have "big number" birthdays - like 18, 21, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, etc?
Well, I'm not a very organised person. That's why I don't really plan. And I wasn't a dreamer either, and so I never actually had wishes about "what I want to achieve or what I want to happen by the time I'm ..." for example.
Of course, it does not mean I'm not purposeful. Just that I never really wished or dreamed! =) Especially after I learned that I can trust God and I've learned to be content in whatever situations He has alloted as my portion in this life and in the one to come. =)
But yeah, maybe I'm changing now... =) Maybe in my effort to be more creative, I have learned "to dream"... =)
Either way, I do have a wish for what I would love to see happen by the time I'm 30! =) But it's not something I can achieve... Not something I can contribute anything to... It is something that needs to be granted to me. Although of course, I can ask for it... But then again, I know it's kind of selfish to ask for it... =(
Anyway, shared my wish with my sister last week, and suffice to say - she was a bit more than just stunned! =) And I know it's something that I will never share with my parents because I know they'd be horrified by it! I mean, not even all Christians would be able to understand it, so they definitely won't understand... =)
But it is something I'm really looking forward to - so very much! =) So even if it is after I'm 30, it is something I'm really looking forward to! =) Just thought the sooner the better! =) But I know I need to repent of that selfish thought! =)
Anyway, I think now I finally understand why people say that unless you have something/someone to die for, you don't really have anything to live for...
Now that I have something, or better yet Someone, to die for... I do have Someone to live for! =)
Not that I didn't have Him before, just that I was never really this aware before! =) Or maybe I just never really appreciated my relationship with Him as much as I do now! =)
Well, I'm not a very organised person. That's why I don't really plan. And I wasn't a dreamer either, and so I never actually had wishes about "what I want to achieve or what I want to happen by the time I'm ..." for example.
Of course, it does not mean I'm not purposeful. Just that I never really wished or dreamed! =) Especially after I learned that I can trust God and I've learned to be content in whatever situations He has alloted as my portion in this life and in the one to come. =)
But yeah, maybe I'm changing now... =) Maybe in my effort to be more creative, I have learned "to dream"... =)
Either way, I do have a wish for what I would love to see happen by the time I'm 30! =) But it's not something I can achieve... Not something I can contribute anything to... It is something that needs to be granted to me. Although of course, I can ask for it... But then again, I know it's kind of selfish to ask for it... =(
Anyway, shared my wish with my sister last week, and suffice to say - she was a bit more than just stunned! =) And I know it's something that I will never share with my parents because I know they'd be horrified by it! I mean, not even all Christians would be able to understand it, so they definitely won't understand... =)
But it is something I'm really looking forward to - so very much! =) So even if it is after I'm 30, it is something I'm really looking forward to! =) Just thought the sooner the better! =) But I know I need to repent of that selfish thought! =)
Anyway, I think now I finally understand why people say that unless you have something/someone to die for, you don't really have anything to live for...
Now that I have something, or better yet Someone, to die for... I do have Someone to live for! =)
Not that I didn't have Him before, just that I was never really this aware before! =) Or maybe I just never really appreciated my relationship with Him as much as I do now! =)
Yes, and I will rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith, so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus, because of my coming to you again.
Philippians 1:18-26
Walking alone...
I like alone-long-distance-walk, not just because walking is my first choice of sport, but because to me, it reflects (and so encourages me in) my walk as a Christian in so many ways...
Main thing being the fact that I can walk alone, with just God accompanying me, and I still can finish my race...
I think, in our Christian life, many times, even though we have brothers and sisters in Christ, they don't always understand the things that we go through... There are just things that only God can fully understand... Sure, presence of brothers and sisters in Christ help. Even when I walk alone (from work), I found it comforting and "safe" to know that there are other people walking the same leg/route as me... =)
But yeah, in life, at least in my life, I have learned that there are just many things that I can only share with my Heavenly Father and Lord. And no one on earth... Not even my dearest friend(s)... (And btw, I'm not even implying that it has anything to do with my gift/state of singleness =) I think only single people tend to think/have a misconception that they can share everything with their forever-understanding spouse =) But yeah, not talking about being single. Just life in general... )
But yeah, that's OK. It's OK to be able to share only with my Heavenly Father and no one on earth. It's actually more than OK! Because He alone is more than enough. He understands and His company is more than enough to me! =)
And that's why I like long distance alone walk. Because I am encouraged to remember that even when I seem to walk alone, I am never actually alone. And I can still finish my race as my Lord actually walks with me, and His Spirit presents within me! =)
PS: Recently, as I think of the not so near future plan, I think that I need to grow in perseverance in being different - if I really want to go there to be different and make an impact. And somehow, I think walking alone would train my sense of perseverance as well - as living differently would be very challenging! So challenging that you would rather give up when it gets too tiring and you feel that you have no one "walking with you" or "accompanying you"... But I don't want to give up then! I want to make sure I will persevere and finish my race! I want to be true to the end even if no one else walks with me! By God's grace of course! =) But yeah, I want to be trained in persevering from now. And that's why I have made it my aim to walk all the way home (from work) - at least one day per week! =)
Main thing being the fact that I can walk alone, with just God accompanying me, and I still can finish my race...
I think, in our Christian life, many times, even though we have brothers and sisters in Christ, they don't always understand the things that we go through... There are just things that only God can fully understand... Sure, presence of brothers and sisters in Christ help. Even when I walk alone (from work), I found it comforting and "safe" to know that there are other people walking the same leg/route as me... =)
But yeah, in life, at least in my life, I have learned that there are just many things that I can only share with my Heavenly Father and Lord. And no one on earth... Not even my dearest friend(s)... (And btw, I'm not even implying that it has anything to do with my gift/state of singleness =) I think only single people tend to think/have a misconception that they can share everything with their forever-understanding spouse =) But yeah, not talking about being single. Just life in general... )
But yeah, that's OK. It's OK to be able to share only with my Heavenly Father and no one on earth. It's actually more than OK! Because He alone is more than enough. He understands and His company is more than enough to me! =)
And that's why I like long distance alone walk. Because I am encouraged to remember that even when I seem to walk alone, I am never actually alone. And I can still finish my race as my Lord actually walks with me, and His Spirit presents within me! =)
PS: Recently, as I think of the not so near future plan, I think that I need to grow in perseverance in being different - if I really want to go there to be different and make an impact. And somehow, I think walking alone would train my sense of perseverance as well - as living differently would be very challenging! So challenging that you would rather give up when it gets too tiring and you feel that you have no one "walking with you" or "accompanying you"... But I don't want to give up then! I want to make sure I will persevere and finish my race! I want to be true to the end even if no one else walks with me! By God's grace of course! =) But yeah, I want to be trained in persevering from now. And that's why I have made it my aim to walk all the way home (from work) - at least one day per week! =)
Thursday, 18 October 2007
He doesn't make mistake...
I know I've blogged about this verse several times already... But what am I to do? It does sum things up nicely after all...
Wish people would tell me less things??? But then, sometimes, people do need someone who will listen......
And I do have Someone who will, in turn, listen to me and all those things people shared with me... Someone who is in charge of the world, including their lives - Someone I can entrust their joys and struggles to...
And so I don't need to worry for those people! =) Because I know that that Someone does care for them, and even though things don't always make sense, He does not make mistake... He just doesn't.
"For in much wisdom is much vexation,
and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.
Ecclesiastes 1:18"
Wish people would tell me less things??? But then, sometimes, people do need someone who will listen......
And I do have Someone who will, in turn, listen to me and all those things people shared with me... Someone who is in charge of the world, including their lives - Someone I can entrust their joys and struggles to...
And so I don't need to worry for those people! =) Because I know that that Someone does care for them, and even though things don't always make sense, He does not make mistake... He just doesn't.
The best gift...
Dad spoils us so much! There are so many things that I just won't be able to afford with my own money!
I know, it's not as if he needs to buy them anyway. Most of them are bonuses or gifts. So I am very thankful to God for a dad like mine and for the gifts He has given my dad...
I do wish and pray that He will give my dad the best gift He can give him though - a reconciliation and so a personal relationship with Himself through His Son...
I know, it's not as if he needs to buy them anyway. Most of them are bonuses or gifts. So I am very thankful to God for a dad like mine and for the gifts He has given my dad...
I do wish and pray that He will give my dad the best gift He can give him though - a reconciliation and so a personal relationship with Himself through His Son...
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Flying solo...
I was told that I've been spreading my wings... and so it's probably time for me to fly solo...
I thought that day would never come! And yet when it did come, it was so unreal that I sat there speechless... and then spent quite a long while walking around absent-minded...
I didn't think I'm ready for it yet......
And yet again, maybe I am! =) After all, I do know that it won't really be a one-man-flight. =)
I thought that day would never come! And yet when it did come, it was so unreal that I sat there speechless... and then spent quite a long while walking around absent-minded...
I didn't think I'm ready for it yet......
And yet again, maybe I am! =) After all, I do know that it won't really be a one-man-flight. =)
Thursday, 11 October 2007
The Rock that is Higher
When there are so many uncertainties and changes around me, it's good to have the assurance that I can always fly to my Rock, to The Rock that is Higher than I.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
I knew I would show strong emotions when I finally got to share my overwhelming joy with him in person... But I did not expect myself to break down that soon! =P Although again, it's probably just his presence or just the way he is... somehow, his presence just gives a feeling of security???
I know he has heard of the news from someone already... But I still wanted to share my view on it with him personally. =) After all, (at least in my mind), he has always been the person I went to every time I was overwhelmed by the seemingly impossible dream...
Ever since last night, while anticipating my conversation with him today, I recalled with fondness some of the conversations I ever had with him that are related to this 'dream'...
I remembered that one of the tough conversations I had with him was one towards the end of my degree. I remembered asking him at that time, if maybe, I should not apply for permanent residency at all... That way, I would have no choice but to go back...
I vaguely remembered another conversation I had with him and his wife at a long weekend conference - sharing my sorrow and sense of despair of the great needs that seemed to be present back there, but of my inability to do anything about it... even a sense of guilt for being here... Sharing dreams and hopes of a team like one that seemed to be forming at that time for another country...
And then there were conversations taking place even after he "left" us, especially in these past few years since the lunch time meeting in the city started - the last conversation being as recent as in the second quarter of this year... I remembered a few conversations with him - at different points in time - whenever I felt overwhelmed by the need, by guilt or by something happening over there - and I was reminded me to check - just to check with him - if maybe, I finally have run out of godly reasons to stay here... if maybe, it's finally the time...
And each time, he reminded me and encouraged me to pray... and to keep praying... And to keep being faithful here, keep trusting in God, and keep praying that God will raise up people for His glory sake and bring about His purposes...
And that's why I felt I just had to share the news with him personally! Even if he had known about it, he hadn't heard it from me! And so I must tell him. He, who even when failed to recall my name in one occasion, remembered what my main concern had always been, whenever I came to see him in such a distraught...
And so I shared with him today, how the dream has turned to vision! =) and how overwhelmed I was with joy! And how much I thanked him for all the encouragement he had given me to keep praying, including praying for a team...
I told him "I know someone has told you about this before, but I just want to tell you personally. We have a team. We finally have a team!" (and I broke down in tears of joy... =)) And he shared my joy(!), and led me in thanking God and praying for the vision...
I know he is not God, and I don't treat him as God. =P But I am VERY thankful to God for him! And for his wife! Always VERY VERY thankful to God for them...
I am overwhelmed with joy! =)
But I know, I need to slow down a bit and let others catch up with my current level of enthusiasm! =) I guess, to me, this is a dream coming a step closer to become a reality... An answer to many prayers over the years!!! Maybe we are not there yet... But I've been praying for so long for it! How can I not be overwhelmed with joy?!! =)
I am scared, too, of course! of the uncertainties and just of the costs... especially since this is now no longer just an 'over-there' dream... I'm scared enough that I need to share my fear and concerns with God... But yeah, as much as I'm scared, I am also overwhelmed with joy! =) This is an answer - and just but a beginning of many more answers to prayers presented over the years! And so as much as I'm scared, the thankfulness and excitement are just too overwhelming! =)
I know he has heard of the news from someone already... But I still wanted to share my view on it with him personally. =) After all, (at least in my mind), he has always been the person I went to every time I was overwhelmed by the seemingly impossible dream...
Ever since last night, while anticipating my conversation with him today, I recalled with fondness some of the conversations I ever had with him that are related to this 'dream'...
I remembered that one of the tough conversations I had with him was one towards the end of my degree. I remembered asking him at that time, if maybe, I should not apply for permanent residency at all... That way, I would have no choice but to go back...
I vaguely remembered another conversation I had with him and his wife at a long weekend conference - sharing my sorrow and sense of despair of the great needs that seemed to be present back there, but of my inability to do anything about it... even a sense of guilt for being here... Sharing dreams and hopes of a team like one that seemed to be forming at that time for another country...
And then there were conversations taking place even after he "left" us, especially in these past few years since the lunch time meeting in the city started - the last conversation being as recent as in the second quarter of this year... I remembered a few conversations with him - at different points in time - whenever I felt overwhelmed by the need, by guilt or by something happening over there - and I was reminded me to check - just to check with him - if maybe, I finally have run out of godly reasons to stay here... if maybe, it's finally the time...
And each time, he reminded me and encouraged me to pray... and to keep praying... And to keep being faithful here, keep trusting in God, and keep praying that God will raise up people for His glory sake and bring about His purposes...
And that's why I felt I just had to share the news with him personally! Even if he had known about it, he hadn't heard it from me! And so I must tell him. He, who even when failed to recall my name in one occasion, remembered what my main concern had always been, whenever I came to see him in such a distraught...
And so I shared with him today, how the dream has turned to vision! =) and how overwhelmed I was with joy! And how much I thanked him for all the encouragement he had given me to keep praying, including praying for a team...
I told him "I know someone has told you about this before, but I just want to tell you personally. We have a team. We finally have a team!" (and I broke down in tears of joy... =)) And he shared my joy(!), and led me in thanking God and praying for the vision...
I know he is not God, and I don't treat him as God. =P But I am VERY thankful to God for him! And for his wife! Always VERY VERY thankful to God for them...
I am overwhelmed with joy! =)
But I know, I need to slow down a bit and let others catch up with my current level of enthusiasm! =) I guess, to me, this is a dream coming a step closer to become a reality... An answer to many prayers over the years!!! Maybe we are not there yet... But I've been praying for so long for it! How can I not be overwhelmed with joy?!! =)
I am scared, too, of course! of the uncertainties and just of the costs... especially since this is now no longer just an 'over-there' dream... I'm scared enough that I need to share my fear and concerns with God... But yeah, as much as I'm scared, I am also overwhelmed with joy! =) This is an answer - and just but a beginning of many more answers to prayers presented over the years! And so as much as I'm scared, the thankfulness and excitement are just too overwhelming! =)
Monday, 1 October 2007
Praying for an interpreter...
All these efforts... are but to meet him in his world... in a place that's familiar to him...
But I still need an interpreter to communicate well with him since I'm but a newcomer in his world...
I need an interpreter who speaks both his language and my language fluently... someone who speaks both languages fluent enough to be a significant bridge between us...
But I still need an interpreter to communicate well with him since I'm but a newcomer in his world...
I need an interpreter who speaks both his language and my language fluently... someone who speaks both languages fluent enough to be a significant bridge between us...
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Monday, 24 September 2007
Perseverance is the name of the game...
Thought it was more than that... But apparently I only walked for 6.14 kms today(!) - or around that distance. =( I really thought it had been more! =(
Anyway, feeling really tired now =) But glad that I was able to persevere until the end! =) Gave me a motivation to keep 'running' my other (much more important) race well and to keep persevering until the end, too! =)
Anyway, feeling really tired now =) But glad that I was able to persevere until the end! =) Gave me a motivation to keep 'running' my other (much more important) race well and to keep persevering until the end, too! =)
Sunday, 23 September 2007
Time and knowledge...
The thing with time is that you can only go forward... and that you can't change the past... but that the present and the future are affected by it...
And the Preacher was right when he says that more knowledge brings more sorrow*... And much more sorrow the less the number of those who share the knowledge...
And what can man do with their knowledge when things are out of their control anyway?!
The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.
Ecc 12:13-14 (ESV)
*Ecc 1:18
And the Preacher was right when he says that more knowledge brings more sorrow*... And much more sorrow the less the number of those who share the knowledge...
And what can man do with their knowledge when things are out of their control anyway?!
The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.
Ecc 12:13-14 (ESV)
*Ecc 1:18
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Window to the past...
A blog reminded me of home yesterday and missing home so much...
And today, a photo (and a few others) posted by an old friend brought back past memories and I kind of miss the time I shared with them... =)
The place where I found the photo is a great social networking thing to keep in touch with old friends I don't get to see in real life, I guess. But it is taking so much time to maintain... Time that I don't actually have at the moment... Or so I feel... =) But they are my only bridge to that place and that time...... My window to the past...
I loved that place. It was a special place. It was a special time. The people and the friends were special...
The time, memories and experiences I got there were unique - nothing I got again outside of that place...
Forever thankful to God for the chance to live there! =) The people I got to meet, the friends I got to make, the cultural experiences I got to taste! =)
Maybe I will still visit that 'window' every so often... when I miss the old days and when I have the time... =)
And today, a photo (and a few others) posted by an old friend brought back past memories and I kind of miss the time I shared with them... =)
The place where I found the photo is a great social networking thing to keep in touch with old friends I don't get to see in real life, I guess. But it is taking so much time to maintain... Time that I don't actually have at the moment... Or so I feel... =) But they are my only bridge to that place and that time...... My window to the past...
I loved that place. It was a special place. It was a special time. The people and the friends were special...
The time, memories and experiences I got there were unique - nothing I got again outside of that place...
Forever thankful to God for the chance to live there! =) The people I got to meet, the friends I got to make, the cultural experiences I got to taste! =)
Maybe I will still visit that 'window' every so often... when I miss the old days and when I have the time... =)
Monday, 17 September 2007
A mine of gold...
I love my job! =) Not because of the pay (obviously not! =P) But because of the people I got to know and because I get to learn a lot from it!
So far I've learned to be flexible, to not crumble under pressure, to work with uncertainties, to work under ambiguities, to see the positive sides of things and so making the most of times and opportunities and enjoy even the most menial of tasks like filing or cleaning things up, or putting stamps on envelopes, etc... Not that I've mastered all the skills, but I have learned heaps! =)
And just today, I learned yet another thing! =)
My instruction was along these lines:
And on my way home I can't help but think:
But at the end of the day, now... I realised that I have actually learned another lesson today! - to learn of something (read everything carefully), and do what is needed to be done with the knowledge (complete the task) and yet to be able to forget it all (not confusing what is mine with what is others' to worry about! =))
I am indeed thankful for my workplace! =)
And actually, even this post is a reflection of how much I've learned to make the most of things - to see what life skills I can learn from the things I do at work - work that might be boring to others, but can also be a mine of gold and source of practical wisdom on Christian living/ministry skills for me... =)
So far I've learned to be flexible, to not crumble under pressure, to work with uncertainties, to work under ambiguities, to see the positive sides of things and so making the most of times and opportunities and enjoy even the most menial of tasks like filing or cleaning things up, or putting stamps on envelopes, etc... Not that I've mastered all the skills, but I have learned heaps! =)
And just today, I learned yet another thing! =)
My instruction was along these lines:
Read everything carefully. Complete your task well. And then forget everything!
And on my way home I can't help but think:
For in much wisdom is much vexation,
and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.
(Ecc 1:18)
But at the end of the day, now... I realised that I have actually learned another lesson today! - to learn of something (read everything carefully), and do what is needed to be done with the knowledge (complete the task) and yet to be able to forget it all (not confusing what is mine with what is others' to worry about! =))
I am indeed thankful for my workplace! =)
And actually, even this post is a reflection of how much I've learned to make the most of things - to see what life skills I can learn from the things I do at work - work that might be boring to others, but can also be a mine of gold and source of practical wisdom on Christian living/ministry skills for me... =)
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Monday, 10 September 2007
It's not that I can't or don't create / do any craft works when I'm not stressed... But somehow, I create more of them when I'm stressed or have quite a few things to do, i.e. busy! =)
Somehow, creating something (a craft / artwork) helps me unwind. =) And helps me to just concentrate on the project at hand and stop thinking about things... =) And last year, I found out that beading is actually a great way of unwinding! =)
I've also worked out that a more complicated beading pattern is usually preferred over simple one when I'm under more stresses/loads! =) I guess, I love the challenge that the more complex pattern presents me with! =) Although it probably makes sense anyway, since the more complicated the pattern, the more I have to concentrate on counting the beads and making sure that I won't make any mistake etc, so the easier it is for me to just concentrate on my project and forget about everything else! =)
Anyway, this is what's I'm doing for my current project! Not too complicated (and even simple once you remember the pattern!), but nice! =) Mine is still far from finished cos I only started an hour ago... But I think I might have chosen the wrong type of thread to use... =(
I'm really glad that God is not like me, though! =) That is, I'm glad that He did not create us because He was stressed, bored, had nothing better to do, or because He needed to! =)
Somehow, creating something (a craft / artwork) helps me unwind. =) And helps me to just concentrate on the project at hand and stop thinking about things... =) And last year, I found out that beading is actually a great way of unwinding! =)
I've also worked out that a more complicated beading pattern is usually preferred over simple one when I'm under more stresses/loads! =) I guess, I love the challenge that the more complex pattern presents me with! =) Although it probably makes sense anyway, since the more complicated the pattern, the more I have to concentrate on counting the beads and making sure that I won't make any mistake etc, so the easier it is for me to just concentrate on my project and forget about everything else! =)
Anyway, this is what's I'm doing for my current project! Not too complicated (and even simple once you remember the pattern!), but nice! =) Mine is still far from finished cos I only started an hour ago... But I think I might have chosen the wrong type of thread to use... =(
I'm really glad that God is not like me, though! =) That is, I'm glad that He did not create us because He was stressed, bored, had nothing better to do, or because He needed to! =)
Sunday, 9 September 2007
'Till heaven...
It's been a while since I said goodbye to someone who is leaving us for good... And I know that I will miss having him around... As a brother, but I will miss him...
Still in disbelief that the next time I get to see him might be before God's throne in heaven... I know, sometimes we think, surely before that, but how can we be sure? Jesus might come back tomorrow... or tonight... and I might die tomorrow, or tonight... or before I get a chance to meet him again on earth... We don't know what will happen to us under the sun anyway, right? Besides, things change over time, and so does friendship... So I guess, at the moment, the most certain next meeting time for us would be in heaven...
Didn't say much more at the airport during sharing time cos I was afraid I would start crying... =P I know... =) Guess, I'm just someone who's never good with goodbyes =) and that's probably why I'm very sad at the moment... Well, I'm glad that his time here has been fruitful and that his going back might mean the furtherance of God's kingdom over there... but it's still sad to send him off... and it's still sad to say goodbye to a friend...
Still in disbelief that the next time I get to see him might be before God's throne in heaven... I know, sometimes we think, surely before that, but how can we be sure? Jesus might come back tomorrow... or tonight... and I might die tomorrow, or tonight... or before I get a chance to meet him again on earth... We don't know what will happen to us under the sun anyway, right? Besides, things change over time, and so does friendship... So I guess, at the moment, the most certain next meeting time for us would be in heaven...
Didn't say much more at the airport during sharing time cos I was afraid I would start crying... =P I know... =) Guess, I'm just someone who's never good with goodbyes =) and that's probably why I'm very sad at the moment... Well, I'm glad that his time here has been fruitful and that his going back might mean the furtherance of God's kingdom over there... but it's still sad to send him off... and it's still sad to say goodbye to a friend...
Monday, 3 September 2007
Free!!! =)
This afternoon, I received one of the best news that I've ever heard in long a while! =) Almost couldn't believe it when I heard it! And still can't really believe it now... =)
But I'm so going to guard my freedom! =) I'm going to make sure I stay free! =P with God's grace, of course! =)
But I'm so going to guard my freedom! =) I'm going to make sure I stay free! =P with God's grace, of course! =)
5 Kms!!! =)
Had been wanting to go for a long walk, but hadn't had the time to do it until today!
5 Kms!!! =)
My sis said - "wait until tomorrow!". And I asked her "for what?!". She said "the pain...."
=) yeah... true... but I do need the exercise! It's good for me - as someone reminded me today! =)
So, hoping that with the coming of Spring, and longer day time, I would get more chances to do more long distance walk! =)
Somehow, always remember this verse during my long walks:
5 Kms!!! =)
My sis said - "wait until tomorrow!". And I asked her "for what?!". She said "the pain...."
=) yeah... true... but I do need the exercise! It's good for me - as someone reminded me today! =)
So, hoping that with the coming of Spring, and longer day time, I would get more chances to do more long distance walk! =)
Somehow, always remember this verse during my long walks:
"Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed. ~ Hebrews 12: 12-13 "
Thursday, 30 August 2007
The better of two good...
How do you decide which one is a better one when you have two seemingly good and worthwhile things to do???
It'll be impossible to be at both places at the same time and I know it is unlikely that things will change in the near future...
And time is running out and so I need to make a decision real soon! ... Hmmm....
I think I know which one I want to choose... which one I'm more inclined to choose... Question is, am I making a wise decision??? Would God care???
But I did bind myself with a promise before... maybe, now is the right time to keep it... (not that I haven't kept it so far... =) But this is just "going that extra mile" =))
It'll be impossible to be at both places at the same time and I know it is unlikely that things will change in the near future...
And time is running out and so I need to make a decision real soon! ... Hmmm....
I think I know which one I want to choose... which one I'm more inclined to choose... Question is, am I making a wise decision??? Would God care???
But I did bind myself with a promise before... maybe, now is the right time to keep it... (not that I haven't kept it so far... =) But this is just "going that extra mile" =))
Comforting warning passage...
It is funny how most of the times a passage can serve both as warning and comforting passage...
Read 1 Corinthians 4 this morning and found its first paragraph (v.1-5) to be extremely comforting! ... Not that I didn't take the warning bit - I did, and was reminded to be a trustworthy steward and to be faithful...
And yet, in my current situation, somehow... I feel that it is a greatly encouraging and comforting passage... A very timely and kind reminder from God! =)
Read 1 Corinthians 4 this morning and found its first paragraph (v.1-5) to be extremely comforting! ... Not that I didn't take the warning bit - I did, and was reminded to be a trustworthy steward and to be faithful...
And yet, in my current situation, somehow... I feel that it is a greatly encouraging and comforting passage... A very timely and kind reminder from God! =)
Monday, 27 August 2007
Black Google
Do you know that Black Google would save 750 Megawatt-hours a year?
Well, I didn't, until this afternoon. But apparently, that's the case - at least, that seems to be why Blackle was started.
Must admit it's a bit funny to use a black coloured search engine at first. I mean, it gives you a very different feel to Google! =) And not sure how easy it would be to the eyes... But I am willing to give it a try. =)
It might be a small step in the bigger scheme of saving energy etc, but most people start doing things in small ways, right? =)
Anyway, if you would like to give it a try as well, you can set Blackle as your homepage, or add it to your list of search engines. =)
Not sure about IE, but if you want to add it to your firefox search engines list, you can follow this link - and install the plugin. That site also has plugin to add Bible Gateway to your search engines, btw...
Well, I didn't, until this afternoon. But apparently, that's the case - at least, that seems to be why Blackle was started.
Must admit it's a bit funny to use a black coloured search engine at first. I mean, it gives you a very different feel to Google! =) And not sure how easy it would be to the eyes... But I am willing to give it a try. =)
It might be a small step in the bigger scheme of saving energy etc, but most people start doing things in small ways, right? =)
Anyway, if you would like to give it a try as well, you can set Blackle as your homepage, or add it to your list of search engines. =)
Not sure about IE, but if you want to add it to your firefox search engines list, you can follow this link - and install the plugin. That site also has plugin to add Bible Gateway to your search engines, btw...
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Psalm for illustration...
Wondering... What kind of illustrations / artworks the artist in one of my previous posts would come up with if he were asked to illustrate Psalm 33...
I think it's such a great Psalm to be used as a source of inspiration for illustrations!!!
Such an expression, and imagery languages, and... just something that would be great to be illustrated! I mean, look at verses 7, 9, 13ff, and even 5 and 6 - oh, all of the verses!!!
I wish I can draw........
I think it's such a great Psalm to be used as a source of inspiration for illustrations!!!
Such an expression, and imagery languages, and... just something that would be great to be illustrated! I mean, look at verses 7, 9, 13ff, and even 5 and 6 - oh, all of the verses!!!
I wish I can draw........
Josh asked us today during the talk - "Do you know how to catch a monkey?"
And then he told us - "Well, you make a box, with a banana or something inside the box, and a hole on the side of the box - just big enough for the monkey to put its hand in but not big enough for it to pull its hand out again - without letting go of the banana. And that's how you catch and kill a monkey! - with its hand still trapped inside the box! Because of course the monkey would prefer banana than its life..."
And I was really waiting for Josh's punchline! I was hoping he would say it with an impact, too! I mean, it was such a great story! It surely should be given a dramatic ending!!!
But no... =( Josh didn't say it... =(
Well, he did proceed by reminding us how sometimes, we too are like that, unwilling to let go of our possession, without realising that it might cost us our lives... Which was still a great challenge to give! =)
But I guess, I was just waiting for him to say. . . "Now.... Don't be a monkey!"
I think that would make the story's impact on people even greater! But maybe, I will change my mind after reading my new storytelling book... =)
And then he told us - "Well, you make a box, with a banana or something inside the box, and a hole on the side of the box - just big enough for the monkey to put its hand in but not big enough for it to pull its hand out again - without letting go of the banana. And that's how you catch and kill a monkey! - with its hand still trapped inside the box! Because of course the monkey would prefer banana than its life..."
And I was really waiting for Josh's punchline! I was hoping he would say it with an impact, too! I mean, it was such a great story! It surely should be given a dramatic ending!!!
But no... =( Josh didn't say it... =(
Well, he did proceed by reminding us how sometimes, we too are like that, unwilling to let go of our possession, without realising that it might cost us our lives... Which was still a great challenge to give! =)
But I guess, I was just waiting for him to say. . . "Now.... Don't be a monkey!"
I think that would make the story's impact on people even greater! But maybe, I will change my mind after reading my new storytelling book... =)
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Let's do something different! And why not try this for a start? =)
Signed up a petition online today. One linked to this web-news.
Do sign up if you have time.
I mean, you don't want to have an open wound untreated. This world and all that there is have been entrusted to us by God. Wilberforce cared for animals and was involved in what is now RSPCA. Christ died for us (yes, we were below Him... not that we are "just animals like them" - but hey, He was God, we are His creation - greater difference than us and the animals in terms of order, I think...)
And I'm sure there are many other reasons you can think of as to why it's a worthwhile thing to do... Even if it is just something like - I've been a spectator to things most of my life, why don't I do something about an issue - any issue - even this one - for this one time? Just trying to do something different? It won't take 5 minutes of your time after all...
So, do check out the news and sign the petition! =)
Do sign up if you have time.
I mean, you don't want to have an open wound untreated. This world and all that there is have been entrusted to us by God. Wilberforce cared for animals and was involved in what is now RSPCA. Christ died for us (yes, we were below Him... not that we are "just animals like them" - but hey, He was God, we are His creation - greater difference than us and the animals in terms of order, I think...)
And I'm sure there are many other reasons you can think of as to why it's a worthwhile thing to do... Even if it is just something like - I've been a spectator to things most of my life, why don't I do something about an issue - any issue - even this one - for this one time? Just trying to do something different? It won't take 5 minutes of your time after all...
So, do check out the news and sign the petition! =)
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Mesmerising artworks...
There is something about his artworks that's oddly familiar.... Something that just seems to draw you in, taking you into the world that he created....
Not sure if it is his illustrations, or if it is his story lines and ideas... But somehow, there is just something enchanting in them.... powerfully enchanting....
They just draw you in, bringing you in to be part of the story, to be there - with the characters who move around within the pages of his books....
Praying that I can come across an artist whose artworks are similar to his, but whose allegiance belongs to my Lord....
Not sure if it is his illustrations, or if it is his story lines and ideas... But somehow, there is just something enchanting in them.... powerfully enchanting....
They just draw you in, bringing you in to be part of the story, to be there - with the characters who move around within the pages of his books....
Praying that I can come across an artist whose artworks are similar to his, but whose allegiance belongs to my Lord....
The Many Uses for High Heel Shoes
Ok, I admit, they're not that many... I haven't even reached 25 yet! =( But this is my first attempt at thinking creatively, so I'll post them up anyway! =)
1. As shoes (to be worn on feet)
2. To boost your self confidence by making you feel taller
3. To make someone feel short
4. To help you get stuff from the top shelves (with the added height)
5. To announce to people that a lady has arrived (with all that noise the shoes are making...)
6. To make music / tapping sound
7. To kill cockroaches / bugs
8. To find a bride (Cinderella)
9. As self-protection - to hit someone on the head with it or step on someone with an intention to harm
10. To break emergency window (maybe, if the window's not too strong - at least it would be more worthwhile trying using high heel shoes than sneakers, right?)
11. To help in gardening - making holes to put seeds in
12. As a den / sleeping place for your small pets (e.g. hamsters, maybe?)
13. To hurt someone you don't like 'accidentally' - stand in front of them and then step back - and just so happen - stepping on their foot with your high heels of course!
14. As water container to get water and drink from - in emergency and desperate situation (again, these are better options than sneakers!)
15. To get rid of someone who persistently tries to make a move on you in a bar (take off one of you shoes and put it on the table in front of him) - might work better if you have smelly feet
16. As a hammer - I mean, to hammer things in / put things in place
17. To pass the minimum height requirements for certain rides in amusement parks (might need to wear long pants to hide the heels, though)
18. As a door stopper
19. To ruin your "best friend"'s perfect wedding - especially when you get to be one of the bridesmaids (by falling and spraining your ankle badly during the bridal procession)
(run out of ideas... might think some more at another time or might try a different thing... feel free to add something creative to the list if you feel like to =))
1. As shoes (to be worn on feet)
2. To boost your self confidence by making you feel taller
3. To make someone feel short
4. To help you get stuff from the top shelves (with the added height)
5. To announce to people that a lady has arrived (with all that noise the shoes are making...)
6. To make music / tapping sound
7. To kill cockroaches / bugs
8. To find a bride (Cinderella)
9. As self-protection - to hit someone on the head with it or step on someone with an intention to harm
10. To break emergency window (maybe, if the window's not too strong - at least it would be more worthwhile trying using high heel shoes than sneakers, right?)
11. To help in gardening - making holes to put seeds in
12. As a den / sleeping place for your small pets (e.g. hamsters, maybe?)
13. To hurt someone you don't like 'accidentally' - stand in front of them and then step back - and just so happen - stepping on their foot with your high heels of course!
14. As water container to get water and drink from - in emergency and desperate situation (again, these are better options than sneakers!)
15. To get rid of someone who persistently tries to make a move on you in a bar (take off one of you shoes and put it on the table in front of him) - might work better if you have smelly feet
16. As a hammer - I mean, to hammer things in / put things in place
17. To pass the minimum height requirements for certain rides in amusement parks (might need to wear long pants to hide the heels, though)
18. As a door stopper
19. To ruin your "best friend"'s perfect wedding - especially when you get to be one of the bridesmaids (by falling and spraining your ankle badly during the bridal procession)
(run out of ideas... might think some more at another time or might try a different thing... feel free to add something creative to the list if you feel like to =))
Flip Side...
Well, there is always a different side to the story, right? =) So, this will be a space reserved for my less-carefully-thought stuff and ideas and personal musings etc! =)
For posts that would probably show the another 'side' of me as opposed to the 'side' presented on consider-the-flowers... =)
But just like a coin that has two sides - although both might be two sides of the same coin, one side is called called the obverse (head), while the other is called the reverse (tail). Well, consider-the-flowers is the obverse, this is the reverse. =)
For posts that would probably show the another 'side' of me as opposed to the 'side' presented on consider-the-flowers... =)
But just like a coin that has two sides - although both might be two sides of the same coin, one side is called called the obverse (head), while the other is called the reverse (tail). Well, consider-the-flowers is the obverse, this is the reverse. =)
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