Sunday, 25 May 2008


Going through some of my old stuff - part of packing up and all - and found quite a few things which show how set I was towards China...

Maps of China...

Notes from my uni courses on Chinese culture and civilisation... Not all, just some I thought were good to understand the people and culture...

Pictures and dolls of Chinese minority people groups...

Books / biographies of missionaries to China...

Books and notes on Chinese national language...

Lots and lots of prayer points and news on China and the Chinese...

A very thick prayer book on China...

So many things on and about China and its people!

It wasn't until 2003 that I started to have a "divided heart" - which was shown more clearly later on through the two prayer groups that I was actively involved in... One for China and one for my home country...

Something in my visit back to my "second world" early last year made me decide that I probably wanted to focus on my second world...

Something that happened "back there" during that year "helped" me set my direction...

Mid last year - I asked to be taken off the China group's mailing list...

I don't know what I - or someone else - will find among my stuff - should we go through them a few years from now... =)

Wonder where I will be at that time...

Home - and by that I mean heaven - would be a nice place to be in, I guess... =)

But if not... even if it is not "my second world" or this "third world"... I pray that my desire would still see Christ glorified wherever He has placed me.... =)

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