Monday 27 August 2007

Black Google

Do you know that Black Google would save 750 Megawatt-hours a year?

Well, I didn't, until this afternoon. But apparently, that's the case - at least, that seems to be why Blackle was started.

Must admit it's a bit funny to use a black coloured search engine at first. I mean, it gives you a very different feel to Google! =) And not sure how easy it would be to the eyes... But I am willing to give it a try. =)

It might be a small step in the bigger scheme of saving energy etc, but most people start doing things in small ways, right? =)

Anyway, if you would like to give it a try as well, you can set Blackle as your homepage, or add it to your list of search engines. =)

Not sure about IE, but if you want to add it to your firefox search engines list, you can follow this link - and install the plugin. That site also has plugin to add Bible Gateway to your search engines, btw...

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