Wednesday 22 August 2007

The Many Uses for High Heel Shoes

Ok, I admit, they're not that many... I haven't even reached 25 yet! =( But this is my first attempt at thinking creatively, so I'll post them up anyway! =)

1. As shoes (to be worn on feet)
2. To boost your self confidence by making you feel taller
3. To make someone feel short
4. To help you get stuff from the top shelves (with the added height)
5. To announce to people that a lady has arrived (with all that noise the shoes are making...)
6. To make music / tapping sound
7. To kill cockroaches / bugs
8. To find a bride (Cinderella)
9. As self-protection - to hit someone on the head with it or step on someone with an intention to harm
10. To break emergency window (maybe, if the window's not too strong - at least it would be more worthwhile trying using high heel shoes than sneakers, right?)
11. To help in gardening - making holes to put seeds in
12. As a den / sleeping place for your small pets (e.g. hamsters, maybe?)
13. To hurt someone you don't like 'accidentally' - stand in front of them and then step back - and just so happen - stepping on their foot with your high heels of course!
14. As water container to get water and drink from - in emergency and desperate situation (again, these are better options than sneakers!)
15. To get rid of someone who persistently tries to make a move on you in a bar (take off one of you shoes and put it on the table in front of him) - might work better if you have smelly feet
16. As a hammer - I mean, to hammer things in / put things in place
17. To pass the minimum height requirements for certain rides in amusement parks (might need to wear long pants to hide the heels, though)
18. As a door stopper
19. To ruin your "best friend"'s perfect wedding - especially when you get to be one of the bridesmaids (by falling and spraining your ankle badly during the bridal procession)

(run out of ideas... might think some more at another time or might try a different thing... feel free to add something creative to the list if you feel like to =))


Anonymous said...

the last two are funny....
door stopper hahahahaah :D
ci lilis bisa bisa aja kepikiran begituannn

Anonymous said...

Hmm, good thing you didn't pull that trick #19 in MY wedding!! ;)

Lilis said...

Jen: Alvina and ade2 gua dah help gua come up with so many other extras loh! =) Cuma belom sempet pos lagi eh, cape... =( Elu mo bantu gua juga? =P

Claudine: Um, elu tau kan gua bisa kepikiran soal itu karena gua beneran ampir jatoh waktu itu? =) Makanya bisa kepikiran ide itu. =P Hahaha, tenang, itu sih beneran lagi, bukan trik! =)
You were too special for me to do that on your wedding day!!! =) (and you still are special, btw! =P)
Dah sembuh belom btw? =)