Monday 10 September 2007


It's not that I can't or don't create / do any craft works when I'm not stressed... But somehow, I create more of them when I'm stressed or have quite a few things to do, i.e. busy! =)

Somehow, creating something (a craft / artwork) helps me unwind. =) And helps me to just concentrate on the project at hand and stop thinking about things... =) And last year, I found out that beading is actually a great way of unwinding! =)

I've also worked out that a more complicated beading pattern is usually preferred over simple one when I'm under more stresses/loads! =) I guess, I love the challenge that the more complex pattern presents me with! =) Although it probably makes sense anyway, since the more complicated the pattern, the more I have to concentrate on counting the beads and making sure that I won't make any mistake etc, so the easier it is for me to just concentrate on my project and forget about everything else! =)

Anyway, this is what's I'm doing for my current project! Not too complicated (and even simple once you remember the pattern!), but nice! =) Mine is still far from finished cos I only started an hour ago... But I think I might have chosen the wrong type of thread to use... =(

I'm really glad that God is not like me, though! =) That is, I'm glad that He did not create us because He was stressed, bored, had nothing better to do, or because He needed to! =)

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