Monday 24 December 2007

Mulling on Christmas Eve

Couldn't bring myself to go to Eastgardens this afternoon, so went back home after I went to send some stuff to the Post Office.

Somehow, I find that there are just so many things I need to do this Christmas - rushing from one thing to another.

I have had a quiet-er morning today - to just spend some quality time alone with God... (well, not alone alone, as I did bring a few people into my conversation with Him)

But yeah, I just couldn't bring myself to go to the shopping mall...

I know it could just be a personal preference/thought, but I do find the whole 'celebration' thing a bit distracting at times... And I think, sometimes, even as Christians, it is easy for us to forget to be different to the world around us during this Christmas time...

I mean, why buy an extra Christmas present that would go to waste? Just because it is Christmas, it does not mean that you have to buy things you don't really need...

Some people have to go without this Christmas! Many people can't afford getting even one gift for their loved ones! Why be wasteful?

I asked my dear friends to please get me something from Anglicare if they were thinking to get something for my bday. And I am very thankful when they did! Because really, what do I lack? Sure I don't have everything this world can offer, but I have something this world can't offer! I have Christ(!), and I do have food and shelter, and enough clothes... and even more!

When my brothers and sisters in Christ asked me what my wish was for my bday, I told them I wish for Rev 7 and Rev 21. And it was a real wish!

Because, how can we grow in our understanding and knowledge of what it would mean to finally be there - to be with Christ - to see Him face to face(!)... and not long for heaven?

How can we know better of that world to come, while having to live in the mess that this world is in(!) - and not long for heaven?!

I can't...

And yet I know that there are still some of my loved ones who are still part of that mess who would be cleaned up on that judgement day!

And that's why, I'm torn every day...

I do want the new world to come. I do want to see everything set right - no more pain, no more sorrow, no more death, no more sickness, no more poverty, no more injustice, no more tears, no more death, no more sin....

And yet I also do want (and ask for His mercy for) my loved ones to be reconciled to God before then...

But then - shouldn't I long more for Christ to be glorified, and for sin to be dealt away with than for anything else??? I probably should... and yet at the same time, live in thankfulness for His patience and so keep doing my bit while I'm waiting (with my brothers and sisters in Christ) for our Bridegroom to come! =)

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