Wednesday 19 December 2007


Gua cape banget sih hari ini, so agak mati rasa at the moment... Which is probably kenapa gua belom nangis kayanya =)

Tapi beneran terharu banget!

Someone rang me at 8! I missed his call, but that was very nice of him! =)

And then another person rang me when I was on my way to work - missed her first call!

Of course my siblings and parents have said happy bday or sent me bday greetings in the morning! =)

And then Pak Samuel ama Bu Esther ngirim SMS! Gila, beneran unexpected banget!!! Bener2 terharu banget gua!

Terus di tempat kerja, gua sekarang ada dua anak baru yang udah gua angkat ade, hehe! =) And yeah, both wrote interesting and encouraging things on my bday card. Terus orang laen juga bae2 gitu ke gua.

And then, banyak banget juga yang sms, dari Indo juga!

Mama n Papa nge-fax something juga! And ade2 asli gua nulis something yang bener2 encouraging! =)

Wah, beneran terharu deh...

Sedih sih, soalnya tadi said goodbye ama one of a very good workmates of mine... That's why it's good that I get along well with the two new guys! Will still have two more new workmates. Not sure how well I will get along with them. But yeah, the brothers have been great to have around the office! =)

Anyway, a day full of mixed emotions...

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