Friday 11 April 2008

Taking it lightly...

Someone asked me whether his guess was right that I got really upset about something that I mentioned to him tonight.

Well, to be honest, I just have so much anger at the moment, I guess... Too tired, been sick, and have not got enough time to take time off to just be with God - just "be" and not "do"...

But yeah, I do get really upset when I feel that someone is taking God and His Word lightly.

I just can't understand why some people think that they know enough about God already. Or that they have done what is required by God's Word. I mean, have they really looked into their sins?!

Maybe some people really are saints... Maybe they really have kept God's Word...

I'm not "judging" without examining myself. I know better than anyone else how much I fail God's standard, and how much I'm sustained by His grace alone!

But I'm really uncomfortable when people seem to be taking His grace for granted. To me, that's just wrong. How could they not see how sinful their hearts are. Or at least, how far from perfect they are? And if they see it, shouldn't they be uncomfortable and repent?!

Anyway... I know, God grows people at different pace, and so I really need to keep reminding myself that I should let God do all His work... And be patient with them as He has been patient with me!

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